Market, as expected has shifted BIG time in the last 2 weeks. We are back to stock selection and good trading. That and avoiding trading when it isn’t your market. I think we are close to some dead cat bounces in some big names. May not be tomorrow but I would expect this week sometime. So, let’s take a look at tomorrow.
We could open anywhere tomorrow but I think the biggest brutal move would actually be a gap and squeeze on the markets.
TSLA – Chart looks like $500 washout but may bounce before it. Either way, like this one for a full rest of the week watch on some panic. Already joined some Friday but kept it small for now.
DDD – Looking for that $20 washout to join long for a dead cat bounce swing.
SSYS – Exact same as above.
VIAC – Thinking gap and parabolic for the short on this.
FOSL – Those $18.50s looking very interesting. With EXPR making a nice move I could see this one having a big move. Like the morning washout for the long.
CGC – Have some calls overnight. Could be a total airball but if market bounces I like this one to join hard with the US weed news today.
COST – Going to snag some long term tomorrow off the open and if we get under $300s
ARKK – Ideally $100 panic washout and then a heavy long. This whole thing could totally unwind so going to play that one by ear but either way, should be some amazing trades on this.
Thank you Codey
ARKK $100 panic washout?
Thanks Cody. Glad to see your watchlist back
Thank you Cody! Hope you enjoyed your time away
Thanks, Cody!