OddStockTrader Scan 12/10/2020

by | Dec 9, 2020

I think I might be getting monitor fatigue, either way market still red hot! SPY Finally had at minimum a washout day and I expect a bit more vs. right back to highs, maybe 2-3 days of chop. Charts that are speaking to me are these ones.

SSYS – Personally the Origin purchase is a HUGE deal for Stratasys. I will be adding calls for Jan $20s tomorrow and some $30 LEAPS as well. This can be the multi year bottom in this space and I think it is. VW and now this…. one to watch going forward. I’ll be taking more shares in the account I never look at.

WSGF – Unreal! ABNB sympathy play and it sure did explode. Congrats on this one guys. Probably .10-15 blow off tomorrow.

MKGI – Main focus out the gate pre ABNB ipo. Been holding up well and I think they washed out ppl on it today. Ideally $4 breakout.

SHRMF – Finally got the monster breakout on this one. Looking to add the .70s breakout and size into this one on any dips back near .60s tomorrow.

LKYSF – All time highs and can follow MMEDF into $2.

HSTRF – Same as above

PSYC – Has digested the recent move well. Still in play for me as long as .015s hold on the daily.

GRSO – Took some for a flyer.

ASTI – Crazy thick oldie ramping. Joined some because you just never know. That .002 breakout could be a fun one.

FRFR – Nice work on the pump find. I’ll be selling some at the open regardless. I want that first big day washout to long though. Several price alerts are set lower for that.

WCVC – Took some for the swing, who knows in this market right now.


  1. Thanks Cody

  2. Thanks Cody

  3. thanks

  4. Thanks for your thought process.

  5. Thank you, Cody!


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