OddStockTrader Scan 11/6/2020

by | Nov 5, 2020

Going to keep it short and sweet. One mistake on ANCN cost me the entire day. ALWAYS REMEMBER WHAT YOU’RE HOLDING lol….Ooopise… move on. Here is my tomorrow am.

UBER – Reative trade off $42. Love it long term but I think there is a nice short off that $42 rejection level tomrrow.

SNDL – $.25 is the monster daily level and it can get funky if it breaks it with early volume. I’d like to see 50m within the first 30 mins to confirm it.

TLRY – $8.60 for the short.

NET – Big earnings beat after hours. It has been a crazy trade since the IPO for me, not something I usually do, but when it’s in an account you never look at it, it becomes much easier. Probably $65+ and highs tomorrow am. Still love this name and it’s business.

HEXO – Total turd weed name but if SNDL flys this can easily join it.

CMPS – Weak open for long unless SPY is giving it up in the morning.


MMEDF – Sympathy to CMPS

OPTI – Going to keep an eye on CDEL market maker here, they were unloading hard after the failed hod breakout. Still a trade in there for me.


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