Ready for action! Great to get away and enjoy the Cali weather. Going back again next week to visit SF as well. Market went wild today and so many names along with it. Here are some of my thoughts for tomorrow
JKS – Pounds shorts each day mid day. So, when it doesn’t I think that will be the time to lean in hard on the short side. It has been almost the exact time before lunch each day where it just ramps higher. Will look to add to puts tomorrow even though the IV started to shrink today ( a sign we are close to the fade)
PTON – Will let it tell me when it wants to but going to be a big short on this one soon. I am kin to wanting to have the $100 puts on Jan regardless.
MMNFF – Liked the action here for the first time in a long time on it. Will use that .125 as full guide for longer swing.
KSHB – Nice little hold today with weeds all moving. Can get some legs over that .70 level.
CGC – Ideally break of $20 tomorrow for further upside. Big resistance spot. If we get another $20 fail will look to lean on the short side.
NAKD – Big Volume day and elected to take some overnight for a swing. Ideally .12s holds and we get over that .14 to confirm the breakout.
NXTD – Strange ramper on no news after hours. Worth an eye off the open.
Excellent call on NAKD in the room today. I joined for the possible gap, I should have scooped more during AH but had to pick the wife up from the airport and didn’t catch it until it was too late