Should be a WILD WILD week in OTC land, havent seen the scanner light up so much in over a year. More than 50 Names I could put on scan purely based on the moves friday gave and missed. However here is what I will be eyeballing.
NGTF – All I did was read the PR, took a look at the filings for 15 minutes, brought up the site and was pretty much sold. I Intended this to actually be a MUCH longer term swing vs. 70% move in one day. It reminded me of a CVSI situation and I do think based on the low marketcap this will have future PR’s will the celebs and whatever mass stores they get. Do some reading on this name and you might understand why I did what I did. Either way, if momo holds this strong, might look to sell on an .80s push some of it, however hoping it does what it did in Jan, settle for a few days then take next leg.
SHMP – Crazyness, The closed it strong so it really can do anything, my gut says way more shorts than long at this point. Trade according to your plan. I just want to eventual mass panic bounce trade.
DPW – Crypto rallied and as of right now still moving higher, I think all of these names make a decent bounce monday.
RIOT – Same as above, more well known name.
MGTI – Same as above, trades VERY thin.
CLSK – Missed this one but looks like some impressive control on it.
HVBTF – Miner name that caught a bid.
DIGAF – Probably the only subber in Crypto I am looking to touch based on the massive volume and hold in price since late last year.