OddStockTrader Scan 10/17/2018

by | Oct 16, 2018

Boy it was a rough open for me with my full idea of at least another day a weed runs. Everything slammed in my face and had to just eat the losses, wasn’t fun but eventually took break came back and SHLD got back some of it. Either way was an ok day but a little annoyed about the instant gap and death fade of many of the trades I was expecting. Sometimes you can just be dead wrong. Either way on to tomorrow.

SHLD – Killer trade today but did give some back after the nasty snap. Either way keeping this on radar as it can be an interesting trader. No real plan on it other than to trade the action it gives.

ACBFF – OUCH today, man added on the gap up per plan and the first dip. It got quickly ugly after that. I still love chart and name but sizing was issue. Want to at least get back to swing size tomorrow on anything near 10.50

TROV – Still an eyeball as it can quickly shoot into that gap.

HIPH – Just like the chart on this cheapie, it also tends to run hard when it wants to. Ideally breakout over .10

NTFU – CBD pr today so keeping an eye on it.

CIIX – CBD pr as well here with items on Alibaba. Break and base over $1


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