OddStockTrader Scan 10/16/2018

by | Oct 15, 2018

What a wild day on weed stocks out there. Seemed like everything just started lighting up out the gate and didn’t stop. Sorry I missed the open as crypto kept me up last night and slept right through alarm. Big Fidelity news there on the Crypto front however today so there is that. Tomorrow I expect a full on weed move yet again, but be aware of what I think the true leader CGC is actually doing in regards to other names.

I want to look at what might have the meat left on the bone for tomorrow so here we go.

ALEAF –  One of the best looking charts out there. Swinging and plan on adding regardless of gap up.

SPLIF – I am surprised as this one is a decent CBD drink play and STILL has yet to be touched. There were some blocks today. I will be taking a good position on the .30 breakout.

FRLF – Wow…one of the biggest misses by me in a while, day one .16 and I just wanted a dip that never came. Probably $1 para into 1.20s

PURA – Super one guys! Congrats here. Thinking .25+ tomorrow.

OGRMF – Lovely grinder of a chart and clear skies can get it another 30% i think.

POTN – Finally went after all this time. One of my main watches along with SPLIF

ACBFF – Adding on dips for swing.

VATE – Took this one, I recall it pretty well that it has some drinks and I think tea in the weed arena.  Probably gap and go but .08 is the big spot

AMDA – Took for swing as it been on my radar for a while.

1 Comment

  1. It’s great to have your scans, some tickers I may not even look at otherwise. Nice list


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