Scans for 06/04/09 from InvestorsLive

by | Jun 3, 2009

AFF this have been really panning out well (CPN, VIP, TCK these huge runners letting them run but stalk them during the day for sideways price action and bang!) Anyway… watch AFF for break past $9+ and fades

AHD shoulda/woulda/coulda perfect breakout off $3 but didn’t pull trigger. Watch for further upside and then stalk for fades – again looking for the stocks with the biggest range hoping to take advantage of .20-.50+ move ..

APL possible continuation towards $7+

CHLN from scan past 3 days… zooming again expected the $3 test .. got it… last night’s scan expected more .. got it..  $4 is going to be tough

TIVO held some short over night.. had a huge win on this one today.. should stay in play

TLB big break off $3.50 this may have $5.50 in it before it settles

TBUS big oldie former runner call by Muddy today – watch for dips.. support and more test towards $2

[Wed Jun 03_13:19:38 EDT 2009] Muddy IL,oldie TBUS 1.50


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