Hope everyone had a good day, never fun to wake up to two gap downs, but happens. Had quite the eventful day today after I left, so that was fun. Probably going to be in and out tomorrow and trading light the rest of the week, but we shall see. Some great moves in OTC land today so let see what we got.
CBIS – Nice swing overall and locked some in today, not the most powerful close but still like this for the eventual .05 test.
ESSI – Nice rip into close, will be one of my main watches for the 2.20 breakout.
GRNH – Same idea here as CBIS but the .07 has quite a wall, so will trade this one more cautiously
IMNP – Impressive ah mover. would like a decent morning wash near .25
VKTX – They posted the same PR twice in a day, I find that very strange…would look for dips with that 1.20 as risk
NVCN – Amazing mover, will look to get some borrows and hope for a 3 test and fail.