Scans for 03/16/09 from InvestorsLive

by | Mar 15, 2009

LMIA awesome chart right here, short biased will be watching on red

APP having trouble at $2.50, might break it this time with the gap and momentum – keep an eye for a hold of $2.50 and further push towards $3

DNDN approaching previous highs before the big tank, keep an eye around $4.25 for some resistance

HOKU broke – next test $2.75 if it has trouble might be worthwhile short back to $2.40 range, but looking more for a potential continued momentum to the upside IF $2.50 holds

PANL $7 area keep an eye, if it fails I’m short biased

MBI has been good to me all week, keep an eye on the $4 level, I will continue to play the .10-.20 moves this stock has to offer


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