Lots of mineral/Gold plays heating up and remaining steady throughout the day – such as MFN today…
CBG – rolling no resistance until $2.50s
GSS been chatting about it all week, today $1.75 was obviously a big break and mentioned that in chat… closed HOD and up a little after hours
AZK might carry momentum towards $4.50+
IAG $8 the new base, momentum watch – this may have a nice day range tomorrow especially with nearly 10 mil volume today
KRY an oldie but goodie, watching for continued momentum- I’m sure Muddy will be watching this one tomorrow and calls them best sub .50s
MFN awesome play today – in at 5.24-5.25s and ripped highs all day
NSU $1.20 break and hold if volume continues this can have 1.50 written all over it
NXG similar chart – 4 million volume another inch by incher like GSS
OZN watch for the break and hold of $.70 again