InvestorsLive Featured in the USA Today Top Twitter Follows!

by | May 8, 2014

Pretty neat to be featured in this USA Today article check it out below!

Thanks to USA TODAY’s Matt Krantz @mattkrantz

If you’re still just using Twitter to tell the world you’re biting into a ham sandwich, you might be missing out on a way to make some money.

There are ten Tweeters on Twitter who have consistently shared market-beating stock tips to those paying attention, according to research by Massachusetts Institute of Technology-trained engineer Igor Gonta. Gonta built a website, called Market Prophit, which analyzes the millions of Tweets sent out that have to do with stocks and try to figure out which people have been right.


Read the full story HERE


The 10 Twitter members Market Prophit says are ruling right now:


Twitter name Profile # of followers
@InvestorsLive Nathan Michaud 27,100
@OptionsHawk Joe Kunkle 24,000
@stt2318 stt2318 13,400
@Burns277 The Street Mentor 11,100
@paulwoll Woll Street 10,600
@NerdElert RichJr 3,502
@StockHorizon StockHorizon LLC 2,250
@ETFGodfather ETF Godfather 2,091
@carsondahlberg Carson Dahlberg, CMT 1,861
@CDMCapital CDM Capital 1,1117



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