Cody (@OddStockTrader)

Cody (Oddstocktrader) Has been a full time day trader since early 2015 and has actively been a trader in the markets since 2010. He has trading nearly everything offered in the markets, stocks, options, futures, forex, penny stocks, you name it he has traded it. Since those first years of trading he learned his lessons blowing up several account until finally gaining traction in early 2013 when he found that his niche was finding momentum before hit happens on the long side. Cody actively trades many securities on a daily basis with a 90/10 long/short strategy. Cody has been the “New Members” Moderator here at IU since Late 2015.

Trading Style

  • Short Trades 10% 10%
  • Long Trades 90% 90%
  • Nasdaqs 60% 60%
  • OTCs 40% 40%
  • Day Trading 90% 90%
  • Swing Trading 10% 10%

Main Brokers

SpeedTrader PRO, ETRADE, & Vanguard



DAS Trader


Favorite Setup

ABCD Long & Panic Buys

Recommended Deals

1-Month IU Elite + Textbook Trading DVD


Regularly $897

Now $497

IU Elite Quarterly + Both DVDs


Regularly $1,897

Now $1,297

IU Elite Annual + Both DVDs


Regularly $3,097

Now $1,997

OddStockTrader Scan 9/26/2024

Keeping most of what I had on scan last night on radar. Not a whole lot changed there so these names will be in addition to last nights. RKLB - Impressive move but by 100% on the calls wasn't after they went 500% after that. Like this for some continuation move...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/25/2024

Looked and felt like Nvidia moved the entire market mid day there. Focus will be on those names and the AI sector for tomorrow. NVDA - Big move after the CEO stopped selling shares today. Probably a gapper and $125 touch tomorrow. Have some calls overnight TSM - Big...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/24/2024

Time of the year has arrived where I set my alarm earlier. Want to be up and ready for action rest of week before I am off to Japan for 3 weeks. Will actually be making a vlog of the trip as doing Roasted Returns has shown me again my enjoyment of videos. Even though...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/19/2024

Won't be here after the close tomorrow for the most part. Doing a thing for a Friday and the market will be pretty wild either way with the new rate cuts. Honestly it's best guess but I think Cars, Homes and Crypto are going to be my main watches off this. IBIT -...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/17/2024

Overall pretty slow day for me...not many button clicked and market didn't warrant it. On to tomorrow. TUP - Looking to trade the mega morning washout on this one. Could be a similar one to YELL. This one is main focus right when I wake up. May join it based on price...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/16/2024

Market looked like it enjoyed when I walked away to finish painting on Friday and could have some great action this week. Still taking it day by day but if we get some follow through on these names market might really start to crank, barring any crazy news. Z - Big...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/12/2024

I don't ragequit the markets to paint my house often, but when I do, I make sure to do it at the days lows right before a mega intraday red to green rally. *Rolls eyes* Anyways, looks like quite a few things setup today because of that move. More than I could even...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/11/2024

Debate tonight so could see some active names if anything specific get's mentioned during it. Other than that another day another list. Nothing too set in stone out there and taking it day by day. QH - Insane 1,000% mover today. Would look for some big morning washout...

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